A Short Hike: Review
A simple tale of a bird, a mountain climb and a phone call
A simple tale of a bird, a mountain climb and a phone call
Beyond the Metroid and Mario, the Gamecube was home to some great titles deserving of a re-release
These games shouldn’t have been able to run on Nintendo’s system….and some still don’t
This “Reverse Horror” title is as gruesome as it is cathartic.
Is the latest title in the Mario spinoff series worth your time, or is it just a crumpled mess?
Our first look at this brand new swashbuckling, magical harpoon wielding title from Skeleton Crew Games
SWERY’s long awaited sequel has finally arrived, with more quirks and not all of them are intentional…
Ari reflects on the awakening when first playing Atlus’s Catherine
These are the 5 announcements at LRG3 that we want to prepare our wallets for.
Nintendo’s Jump Rope Challenge Is A Fine Concept, But…