Author: Enigma

The founder and Editor in Chief of UnboxedTV.  Nintendo lover and not afraid to admit it, can always go for a good Indie Metroidvania with a nice cold Cider.

Kick It: Episode 30 (Mighty No 9 Review)

It has finally arrived, Kick It looks at Mighty No 9 on Wii U! After all the delays and controversy, can this game live up to the hype……you already know the answer don’t you. We also look at HD Retrovision’s Component Cables and the System Shock Remake System Shock Remake

Kick It: Episode 24 (Freedom Planet, Indivisible and More)

This week we look at Don Bluth, Slashers and if Sonic was made by Treasure Indivisible: Friday the 13th: The Game Dragon’s Lair: The Movie