Tag: kick it

Kick It: Shenmue 3: Epic Store Exclusive…..So?

A Video I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, Shenmue 3 has been announced as an Epic Store Exclusive and I honestly can’t understand why Epic Store is getting THIS much hate?! People are pointing out that because there’s a Steam page and FanGamer asked people if they

Kick It: Episode 42 (A Hat in Time Review & MORE)

In an absolutely huge episode of Kick It we look at the long awaited Hat in Time from Gears for Breakfast, as well as Road Redemption, first looks at Flynn: Son of Crimson, Intrepid Izzy, Seedi and more! Back these projects Seedi https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/seedi-retro-gaming-system#/ Flynn: Son of Crimson https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thunderhorse/flynn-son-of-crimson-fast-paced-2d-action-platform Intrepid Izzy

Kick It: Episode 35 (Mutant Football League & Apocalypse Now)

Mutant League Football gets a rebirth and one of the greatest movies of all time wants to be made into a video game Back Mutant Football League: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mendheim/mutant-football-league-mfl/ Apocalypse Now: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fringerider/apocalypse-now-the-game?ref=hero

Kick It: Episode 32 (Obduction w/ Dax Strife)

We look at Dawn of the Devs, Glitched and Dax Strife from Late Reviews drops in to look at Cyan’s new title Obduction Dawn of the Devs: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/321726829/dawn-of-the-devs Chargemander: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1338213769/chargemander-the-battery-case-for-mobile-gamers Support my Patreon: http://patreon.com/enigmaxtreme Subscribe to Dax’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyZvkElz_xdZrwsG0ur9d2g

Kick It: Episode 30 (Mighty No 9 Review)

It has finally arrived, Kick It looks at Mighty No 9 on Wii U! After all the delays and controversy, can this game live up to the hype……you already know the answer don’t you. We also look at HD Retrovision’s Component Cables and the System Shock Remake System Shock Remake