Author: Enigma

The founder and Editor in Chief of UnboxedTV.  Nintendo lover and not afraid to admit it, can always go for a good Indie Metroidvania with a nice cold Cider.

Kick It: Episode 44 (Yooka Laylee Review!)

After what feels like forever, Yooka Laylee arrives on Switch! Enigma keeps to his word and looks at the spiritual sequel to Banjo Kazooie, for the actual review, you can jump ahead to 4:45 as we also discuss the recent Patreon Situation, and brand new DLC for Shantae Half Genie

Kick It: Episode 43 (Battle Chef Brigade & Super Mighty Power Man)

Not only do we look at the final release of the action cook off Battle Chef Brigade, but brand new projects in the point and click title Truberbrook and retro inspired Super Mighty Power Man Back these projects now!!!! Truberbrook Super Mighty Power Man

Kick It: Episode 42 (A Hat in Time Review & MORE)

In an absolutely huge episode of Kick It we look at the long awaited Hat in Time from Gears for Breakfast, as well as Road Redemption, first looks at Flynn: Son of Crimson, Intrepid Izzy, Seedi and more! Back these projects Seedi Flynn: Son of Crimson Intrepid Izzy