Kick It: Retro Fighters N64 Controller
Enigma puts Retro Fighters brand new redesigned Brawler64 Controller to the test!
Enigma puts Retro Fighters brand new redesigned Brawler64 Controller to the test!
Kirby is back….and he didn’t come alone!
EA’s attempt at Indie Cred bring us the adorable looking Fe, but you should look past the stink of Electronic Arts and see a truly artful game
For the first episode of Season 8, Enigma delves into his ever growing Backlog and plays one of last years biggest cult hits
After over 15 years, the N64 is getting a brand new title with the resurrection of 40 Winks, which was cancelled for the system at the 11th hour back in 2000. Pledge to the game here
After what feels like forever, Yooka Laylee arrives on Switch! Enigma keeps to his word and looks at the spiritual sequel to Banjo Kazooie, for the actual review, you can jump ahead to 4:45 as we also discuss the recent Patreon Situation, and brand new DLC for Shantae Half Genie
Not only do we look at the final release of the action cook off Battle Chef Brigade, but brand new projects in the point and click title Truberbrook and retro inspired Super Mighty Power Man Back these projects now!!!! Truberbrook Super Mighty Power Man
In an absolutely huge episode of Kick It we look at the long awaited Hat in Time from Gears for Breakfast, as well as Road Redemption, first looks at Flynn: Son of Crimson, Intrepid Izzy, Seedi and more! Back these projects Seedi Flynn: Son of Crimson Intrepid Izzy
We look at Swery’s brand new title and Cynaide and Happiness new point and click title BACK THESE PROJECTS!
For a special Monday Edition of Kick It, We look at Shantae Half Genie Hero’s brand new Risky Boots mode and after Shenmue 3 partners with Deep Silver, we discuss if Kickstarters should….or need Publishers?