Tag: enigma

Kick It: Episode 5 (Nefarious, Sienna Storm, Elysian Shadows and more)

This week Enigma looks at Zombies, Villains and how not to create a Kickstarter pitch Help fund these games: Elysian Shadows: http://elysianshadows.com/paypal/ Nefarious: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/749082525/nefarious Ray’s the Dead: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ragtag/rays-the-dead-0

Kick It: Pilot Episode (Among the Sleep, Road Redemption, Broken Age and more!)

Welcome to UnboxedTV’s brand new show, Kick It! A look at the world of Crowdfunding as every episode will give Reviews, Previews and First Looks at some of the hottest titles around Contribute to Midora and Timespinners now! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lunarraygames/timespinner