Kick It: Wonderful 101 Remastered
One of the Wii U’s most underappreciated hits is getting a second chance on Switch….and MORE!
One of the Wii U’s most underappreciated hits is getting a second chance on Switch….and MORE!
In a year full of remakes, rebirths and Geese, which game stands tall in 2019.
It is considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all time, but is it? In the first part of his 200th episode, Enigma takes us on the journey of Final Fantasy 7, a journey filled with envy and betrayal.
After years of waiting, Hat Kid is FINALLY on a Nintendo Console, we also look at Bloodstained, Vertebreaker and Enchanted Portals
The long awaited Indivisible by Lab Zero is finally out, has it been worth the wait, or was ii a game that should have stayed unfunded? Also, Enchanted Portals ask us when inspiration becomes just ripping off.
After the failure of Mighty No 9 and Yooka Laylee, can the rebirth of Castlevania be the saving grace of Kickstarter? Title Card by Liza van Kempen ( Theme Song: Rockin’ the Crossin by Sixto
A Video I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, Shenmue 3 has been announced as an Epic Store Exclusive and I honestly can’t understand why Epic Store is getting THIS much hate?! People are pointing out that because there’s a Steam page and FanGamer asked people if they
We look at Hat in Time’s brand new DLC, Nyakuza Metro
Cowboys, Pikachus and Barron Wastelands, what game will stand tall as the best of 2018!?
Piko Interactive have sent out their unearthed N64 title to its backers, which is more than I can say for Road Redemption